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August 14th, 2020

Heinrich Celebrates Great American Outdoors Act Becoming Law

U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) joins the entire New Mexico congressional delegation and the conservation community for a virtual celebration of the Great American Outdoors Act. The panel discussion is moderated by New Mexico Wild Executive Director Mark Allison and highlighted the efforts and contributions of members from New Mexico Wild, the New Mexico Wildlife Federation, the National Parks Conservation Association, the Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club, the Las Cruces Green Chamber of Commerce, the Partnership for Responsible Business, The Wilderness Society, The Nature Conservancy, New Mexico Backcountry Hunters & Anglers, the Audubon New Mexico, Friends of Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument, the Trust for Public Land, the Continental Divide Trail Coalition, the Nuestra Tierra Conservation Project, Conservation Voters of New Mexico, Trout Unlimited, and Defenders of Wildlife. August 13, 2020.