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Heinrich Votes In Committee To Approve Secretary Of Energy Nominee Dr. Ernest Moniz

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.)  released the following statement after voting to approve the nomination of Secretary of Energy Nominee Dr. Ernest Moniz during the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources today: 

"Dr. Ernest Moniz's decades of experience and expertise in energy technology and policy make him well suited to lead the Department of Energy. His leadership and keen understanding of supporting our energy research labs and environmental cleanup efforts will serve New Mexico and the country well. I am particularly pleased of his commitment to strengthen the partnerships between DOE and New Mexico's Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratories.  Transferring technologies developed by DOE's labs could help foster new government-industry partnerships, spur technical innovation, and boost job creation. I'm also encouraged by his support to work with me to ensure Los Alamos National Laboratory continues to make progress in its cleanup efforts of legacy nuclear waste. I am confident in Dr. Moniz's ability to serve, and if confirmed, I look forward to working with him as our next Secretary of Energy." 

The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources approved the nomination by a vote of 21 to 1. The nomination now goes to the full Senate for its consideration.