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Heinrich: FCC’s Notice to Include "Fast Lane" for Online Content Delivery Could Stifle Innovation

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) released the following statement today after the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) approved a "Protecting and Promoting the Open Internet" Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that could include a "fast lane" for online content delivery.  The FCC will extend a four-month public comment period starting today until July 15th. The FCC will then allow 57 days, until September 10th, for reply comments.
"I have serious concerns about today's FCC notice to include a ‘fast lane' for online content delivery, which could undermine the very principles of an open Internet.

"New Mexico's burgeoning technology corridor and Internet startups deserve to compete on a level playing field that fosters innovation and encourages companies to grow. If businesses in New Mexico have to spend their valuable capital on ‘pay-to-play' rules, it could stifle innovation, limit job growth, and discourage employers from investing in their employees.

"Expanding adequate Internet access across New Mexico is a priority for me, and I remain deeply committed to net neutrality so that consumers are protected and competition is preserved. Today's notice is not final, therefore I encourage all New Mexicans to voice their concerns and input throughout the FCC rulemaking process."