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VIDEO: Heinrich Advocates For Fuel Spill Cleanup Funding At Kirtland Air Force Base

During a Senate Armed Services Readiness and Management Subcommittee hearing today, U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) urged the Air Force to remain committed to funding the fuel spill cleanup efforts at Kirtland Air Force Base (KAFB). The fuel spill has been affecting the base and the surrounding region since the 1950's.

During the hearing, Senator Heinrich recognized the progress made in the fuel cleanup effort and called on the Air Force to continue its work through leadership and funding. The goal of the cleanup is to ensure public drinking water wells in the vicinity of the base remain safe for consumption, and that the plume is reduced in size and contaminants are brought within public health standards.

Last year, Senator Heinrich secured key commitments from Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Kathleen Ferguson to clean up the fuel spill at KAFB. Assistant Secretary Ferguson later outlined a specific plan to remove contaminants by installing several "pump and treat" extraction wells -- the first of which would be operational by June 2015.