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Udall, Heinrich Introduce Resolution to Save Pre-Existing Condition Protections From Harmful Trump Administration Rule Pushing Junk Plans

Senate and House Democrats unveil resolution to undo Trump administration rule that would erode pre-existing condition protections for millions of Americans and would allow providers to offer junk plans that cost more and cover less

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Tom Udall (D-N.M.) and Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) joined House and Senate Democrats in unveiling a resolution that would roll back the “1332 waiver” rule, which is another Trump administration effort to sabotage Americans’ health care and another attack on the 130 million Americans who rely on the critical pre-existing condition protections the administration is trying to eliminate.  The Trump administration rule, if left in place, would allow states to greenlight substandard, junk insurance plans that don’t fully protect people with pre-existing conditions, don’t cover essential health benefits like prescription drugs and maternity coverage, and raise costs on many American families. Under the Congressional Review Act, Udall and Heinrich’s resolution must be considered within 60 legislative days of July 15 and can pass the Senate with the support of a simple majority of senators.   

“The Trump administration’s latest attempt to sabotage the Affordable Care Act would undermine protections for millions of people with pre-existing conditions while driving up costs for New Mexico families,” said Udall. “This new Trump rule would take us back to the days when people were forced to depend on bare-bones junk plans that didn’t cover critical health care services. That’s why it’s vital that we vote to pass our resolution, overturn this Trump administration rule, and stand strong against these blatant attacks on our health care system and defend access to quality, comprehensive coverage for all Americans.”

“This is just another way the Trump Administration is sabotaging our health care system by reducing coverage and making comprehensive coverage unaffordable,” said Heinrich. “Health care is a human right, and we need to safeguard protections for people with pre-existing conditions like diabetes and heart disease. I’m proud to join my colleagues in supporting this resolution to protect Americans’ health care and undo the President’s damage.” 

The following organizations support the resolution: National Multiple Sclerosis Society, American Heart Association, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Pulmonary Hypertension Association, Mended Little Hearts, Hemophilia Federation of America, Chronic Disease Coalition, American Diabetes Association, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, National Organization for Rare Disorders, WomenHeart: the National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease, Susan G. Komen, Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, COPD Foundation, Muscular Dystrophy Association, National Hemophilia Foundation, Arthritis Foundation, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, National Psoriasis Foundation, Alpha-1 Foundation, ALS Association, National Alliance on Mental Illness, Immune Deficiency Foundation, March of Dimes, American Liver Foundation, National Health Council, National Patient Advocate Foundation, Protect Our Care, and the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship.