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Udall, Heinrich Introduce Legislation To Fully Restore Broadband Privacy Protections

Legislation would prevent internet service providers from selling personal, sensitive consumer information without consent

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich introduced legislation to restore broadband privacy rules that will protect consumers from having their personal, sensitive information sold to the highest bidder without their consent. The legislation reinstates the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules that require internet service providers to obtain consent before sharing their subscribers’ sensitive information and adopt reasonable data security protections.

“It’s outrageous that President Trump signed into law a bill to let your cable or phone company sell your browsing history and sensitive personal data – without your permission,” Udall said. “I’ll continue to fight to restore the basic privacy protections that every consumer deserves, and this legislation will help safeguard New Mexicans from unacceptable invasions of privacy. Washington shouldn’t be putting the interests of big corporations ahead of New Mexicans’ privacy and Internet freedom.”

“Your personal information should not be shared or sold to the highest bidder without your consent. Private and sensitive data about your health, family, religious views, and finances must be protected," said Sen. Heinrich. “This bill will restore critical online privacy protections and ensure that broadband providers cannot breach your fundamental right to privacy.”

Last month, Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate passed a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution, which President Donald Trump signed into law this week. The new law formally rescinds the FCC’s broadband privacy rules. Without these strong rules in place, broadband providers can use, share, and sell Americans’ sensitive information without permission.

A copy of the bill is available here.