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Joint Statement by Udall, Heinrich, Luján and Lujan Grisham on DHS Decision to Deny NM an Extension for Real ID

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sens. Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich and Representatives Ben Ray Luján and Michelle Lujan Grisham issued the following statement on the Department of Homeland Security's decision to deny New Mexico an extension to comply with the federal Real ID law.

"The delegation has received an in-depth briefing from the Department of Homeland Security about the circumstances behind the secretary's decision not to grant New Mexico an extension to comply with Real ID. Many New Mexicans have questions about how and when they might be affected. We were informed that access to federal buildings will not change before January 10, and the earliest airline travel might be affected is next spring.

"Our offices remain in close contact with DHS and it is clear from our conversations that the state legislature and the governor must take action to ensure New Mexicans can continue to access federal facilities and airports in the months to come. 

"We support a pragmatic, bipartisan solution like the legislation passed by the New Mexico Senate that is both Real ID compliant and ensures all New Mexico drivers can continue to drive legally and safely."