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Heinrich Welcomes Biden-Harris Administration Commitment To Tackle The Climate Crisis, Create Jobs, and Restore Scientific Integrity

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), a member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, issued the following statement on President Joe Biden's recent executive action to combat the climate crisis and restore scientific integrity across the federal government:

“We have known for decades that we need to act aggressively to confront the climate crisis that threatens our land, our water, and our children’s future. The science of what we are facing—and what we must do—is unequivocal. New Mexicans can’t wait any longer for us to address the mounting challenges posed by extended droughts and water shortages, more destructive wildfires, and carbon pollution. The transition to a cleaner economy also represents perhaps our greatest opportunity to attract billions of dollars in new private capital, spur long-term, sustainable economic growth, and create thousands of good-paying jobs all across New Mexico.

“That’s why I am so excited to see that President Joe Biden is putting climate front and center in his new administration. This week, the president signed a series of bold executive actions that will prioritize climate action in both foreign and domestic policy. The United States will finally return to making decisions based on the best science and start taking the steps necessary to accelerate our transition toward a clean energy future. That means putting millions of Americans back to work, including national service workers in a new Civilian Climate Corps. By rejoining the Paris Climate Accord, President Biden is also showing the whole world that America is serious about protecting the future of our planet.

“I fully recognize that confronting this crisis and transforming our economy will not come without challenges. We must do right by all of the New Mexico fossil fuel workers who have long powered our nation and the communities who have borne the brunt of pollution. We must also work diligently to offset impacts to state budgets. I will hold the Biden administration accountable for following through on its promises to ensure an equitable transition and substantial economic investments in traditional energy communities.

“With the right policy decisions and the right infrastructure in place, New Mexico can lead the world in climate action and remain a global leader in producing and exporting energy.”