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Heinrich Votes To Keep Government Open, Decries Trump Abuse Of Power On Declaring National Emergency

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) voted for the spending bill to keep the government open that passed the Senate by an 83-16 vote, and decried President Trump’s threat to declare a national emergency to build his reckless border wall. 

“I’m relieved that the Senate has passed a bipartisan funding deal to keep the government open. We've done our job, but now the president is attempting to circumvent Congress and undermine the will of the people by forcing them to pay for his border wall.

“Let’s be clear, there is no national emergency on our southern border. President Trump doesn’t seem to know the difference between being president and being a dictator. Threatening to declare a national emergency to save face with the extreme right-wing voices of his party is a wild abuse of power. I look forward to being part of any legal and legislative action that reigns in this imperial president. I hope my Republican colleagues will join me and put country over party.”