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Heinrich Statement on Signing of International Agreement to Fight Climate Change

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), a member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, released the following statement today in recognition of Earth Day and the signing ceremony for the Paris climate agreement:

"On Earth Day, I am proud that the United States has signed onto the historic Paris Climate Agreement. I commend the Obama Administration for taking strong action to establish reasonable and achievable carbon reduction goals that will benefit us all by protecting clean air and water, and create a more secure climate future for our children and grandchildren. We have already seen very real and costly climate disruptions in New Mexico. We're seeing more extreme drought conditions, larger wildfires, shrinking forests, and increased flooding. With our abundance of wind and sun, New Mexico stands to gain from investments in the job-creating renewable energy sector that will help us meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. The time is now to act on climate change. We can't afford to wait. We all have a moral obligation to be responsible stewards of this earth."