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Heinrich Statement On President Trump's Immigration Guidelines

WASHINGTON D.C. — U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M) released the following statement in response to recently released memos establishing new guidelines for carrying out President Trump's immigration orders from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security:

“These changes in DHS enforcement priorities, like President Trump’s Muslim travel ban, are simply un-American. I am deeply concerned that these changes may target law-abiding immigrants, waste precious resources, and unnecessarily break families apart.

“I will not stand for discrimination or for policies that are contrary to our fundamental American ideals and values. Instead of focusing on divisive rhetoric and policies that stir fear in our communities, President Trump and Republicans in Congress should take steps to fix our broken immigration system. New Mexicans can count on me to continue to fight for comprehensive immigration reform that creates an accountable pathway to citizenship and reflects the security needs of our border communities.”