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Heinrich Statement On President Trump's Decision To Not Certify The Nuclear Deal With Iran

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, released the following statement in response to President Trump's announcement today that he will not certify the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran: 

“At a time when our President is bringing us closer to the brink of nuclear war with North Korea, it makes zero sense to effectively walk away and allow Iran to re-start its nuclear program. Even President Trump’s Secretary of Defense has stated that Iran is in compliance with the nuclear agreement and that it is in the U.S. national security interest to stay in the agreement.

“The President is singlehandedly isolating the United States and damaging America’s credibility on the world stage.

“The agreement is built on verification and it has blocked Iran from each and every pathway to a nuclear bomb. It is entirely unclear that this Administration has any motivation beyond politics and wanting to oppose anything the previous Administration supported.”