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Heinrich Statement on Passage of Bipartisan Budget Agreement

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) released the following statement after voting in favor of the bipartisan budget agreement:

"While it's not perfect, this two-year bipartisan budget agreement provides a reasonable blueprint for investing in America's future. The agreement reaffirms the fact that America always pays its bills. It also stops devastating sequestration cuts and gives families and businesses the certainty they need to spend and invest in ways that will help boost the economy.

"Between sequestration furloughs, a government shutdown, and the unwillingness of some of my colleagues to compromise, hard-working New Mexicans have had to carry the burdens of economic uncertainty and financial hardship. New Mexicans deserve better. It's for this reason that I've called on House and Senate leadership on both sides of the aisle to work together toward a reasonable, long-term budget agreement that makes investments in the middle class and reverses the across-the-board sequester cuts that threaten our economy and hard-working families.

"It is my hope that this bipartisan budget agreement marks the end of showdowns and shutdowns and a return to strengthening the middle class by focusing on solving problems and doing what's best for our national and economic security. Imagine the progress our country could make if we could make compromise and governance the norm once again."

The Senate approved the bill by a 64 to 35 vote. The House of Representatives approved it by a vote of 226 to 167 earlier this week and it now goes to the president for his signature.