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Heinrich Statement on New Executive Actions to Reduce Gun Violence

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) released the following statement today on new executive actions to reduce gun violence and make our communities safer:

"We all share the President's goal of reducing gun violence in America. It is our responsibility as leaders to support public safety and put in place commonsense protections to ensure that firearms do not find their way into the hands of those that would turn them against our communities. I'll work to ensure that these reforms keep guns out of the hands of people legally prohibited from having them without punishing law-abiding gun owners.

"Our country is weary from violence, tragedy, and grief. After almost three years of continued gun violence and senseless mass shootings the American people deserve meaningful action from Congress. That is why I joined a bipartisan group of Senators--and the majority of Americans--in supporting legislation to expand background checks to all commercial firearms sales and crack down on illegal gun transactions by explicitly making straw purchasing and gun trafficking federal crimes. 

"We also know that prioritizing mental health services is another key component to keeping our families safe. I support efforts to aid in the prevention and early identification of mental health conditions and to promote access to appropriate services for children and youth.  These are important steps that Democrats and Republicans in Congress agree we must take. And we must act now.

"New Mexicans can count on me to be on their side as we seek to find bipartisan, commonsense solutions to reduce gun violence in our communities, while still respecting our constitutional rights. "