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Heinrich Statement on Labor Day

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) released the following statement in recognition of Labor Day: 

“On Labor Day, we recognize the incredible work of the labor movement and the role that organized labor has played in building the middle class. 

“As someone who grew up in a proud union household, I’ve seen the power of organizing up close. My father was a lineman and a member of the IBEW. His union wages allowed me to attend college, provided my family with a ticket to the middle class, and gave my parents stability and peace of mind in their retirement. These are opportunities that every American deserves.  

“Last year, I was incredibly proud to secure important provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act that will generate the kind of union careers like my father had. Over the next decade, investments in this bill will create more than nine million jobs nationally, averaging one million new jobs each year — jobs that New Mexicans can build their families around.

“Still, there is more work to be done. We need to make it easier to join a union, not harder. That means passing the PRO Act once and for all and expanding worker’s rights. It also means passing my Apprenticeship Pathways Act, legislation that broadens access to apprenticeship programs that create more pathways of opportunities to stable union careers.

“Today and every day, I am proud to stand up for New Mexico’s workers in Congress and will continue to fight for policies that invest in the well-being of all families, grow our economy, and build our middle class.”