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Heinrich Opposes Republican Proposal To Halt Progress In Making Affordable Health Care Coverage Available To New Mexicans

Number of New Mexicans without health insurance has fallen nearly 5 percent, since the Affordable Care Act was enacted

More than 16 million uninsured Americans gained affordable coverage because of the Affordable Care Act

   9.4 million seniors across the country have saved more than $15 billion on prescription drugs

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) highlighted the need to continue making health care coverage available for families across New Mexico through the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, and opposes efforts by Republicans to dismantle the law in the budget resolution.

"Because of the ACA, more New Mexicans than ever before--some for the first time in their lives--have access to quality and affordable health care," said Sen. Heinrich. "The law is working--more women and children are insured, seniors are able to afford the medicine they need, and no one can be denied health coverage because of a pre-existing condition. Not only have we seen a drop of uninsured New Mexicans, but we've also seen job growth in the health care industry in the state. While the law is not perfect, this is significant progress. Yet the Senate Republican budget proposal would dismantle the law and put thousands of New Mexico families at risk of losing their health insurance."

Since the ACA was signed into law five years ago, the number of New Mexicans without health insurance has fallen 4.9 percent. More than 230,000 New Mexicans now have health insurance because of the ACA. Additionally, the ACA and Medicaid expansion in New Mexico are driving economic growth. Since the end of 2008, the health services sector added 13,700 jobs in the state.

Nationally, more than 16 million uninsured Americas gained affordable coverage because of the ACA, and 9.4 million seniors have saved more than $15 billion on prescription drugs.

Republicans are pushing radical budget proposals that would:

  • Invalidating health coverage for over 11 million Americans who signed up through open enrollment;
  • Putting up to 129 million Americans at risk of being denied coverage for a pre-existing condition;
  • Allowing insurance companies to reinstate lifetime benefit caps on 105 million people;
  • Repealing coverage options that allowed 5.7 million young adults to gain health insurance since 2010;
  • Permitting insurance companies to charge women more than men for the exact same plan;
  • Re-opening the Medicare donut hole, raising prescription drug costs for millions of seniors; and
  • Letting insurance companies off the hook for preventive care, annual checkups and cancer screenings.