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Heinrich Cosponsors War Powers Resolution To Prevent War With Iran

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) cosponsored S.J.Res.63, a war powers resolution to force a debate and vote in Congress to prevent further escalation of hostilities with Iran.

“Everything President Trump and Secretary Pompeo have done in the Middle East has made Iran’s repressive government stronger and America less safe,” said Heinrich. “Just weeks ago, Iranians were in the streets protesting against their government. President Trump’s actions gave that terrible regime a united country and turned a terrorist thug into a martyr. This is what a complete and utter lack of strategy in the region looks like. Congress must step in to hold a debate and vote on whether or not we continue to allow this dangerous escalation to continue.”

War powers resolutions are privileged, meaning that the Senate will be forced to vote on the legislation. The resolution underscores that Congress has the sole power to declare war, as laid out in the Constitution. The resolution requires that any hostilities with Iran must be explicitly authorized by a declaration of war or specific authorization for use of military force, but does not prevent the United States from defending itself from imminent attack. The resolution will force a public debate and vote in Congress as intended by the framers of the Constitution to determine whether United States forces should be engaged in these hostilities.

The resolution was introduced by Senator Time Kaine (D-Va.).

You can read the text of the resolution here.