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Heinrich Calls On President Trump To Come Clean On Wiretap Claim

“President Trump has said he has 'special' information that will vindicate his unsubstantiated wiretap claim. It’s time for him to turn it over to the public, or admit he made this up."

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, issued the following statement calling on President Trump to come clean on his unsubstantiated accusation that President Obama wiretapped Trump Tower prior to the election:

“If President Trump wanted to put this to bed, he’d come clean with whatever ‘evidence’ he claims to have. But instead, he’s using this as a way to redirect the public's attention from a possible FBI investigation into connections between the Trump campaign and the Russian hacking of our election. I’m fed up with his games.

“The American people deserve a president and a Congress that’s focused on addressing the very real challenges our nation faces. President Trump has said he has 'special' information that will vindicate his unsubstantiated wiretap claim. It’s time for him to turn it over to the public, or admit he made this up."