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Heinrich: $1 Million For Alamo Navajo Chapter Infrastructure Improvements

Funding Will Help Construct Series Of Five Wastewater Lagoons

Today, U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) announced that the Alamo Navajo Chapter, in Socorro County, will receive$1,000,000 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Water and Waste Disposal Direct Loans and Grants program. The grant will be used to construct a series of five wastewater lagoons to serve the 2,071 residents of the Alamo Navajo Chapter. The total project cost is $2,166,000.

“Modernizing infrastructure improves public health and expands economic opportunities in rural New Mexico,” said Sen. Heinrich. “Safe and efficient wastewater infrastructure is important to every member of the community in the region. I look forward to working with the Alamo Chapter to ensure they have the resources needed to see these projects completed.”

Funding for these lagoons will allow the Alamo Navajo Chapter to address an existing violation issued by the Navajo Environmental Protection Agency, correct current New Mexico Environmental Department violations, and further protect ground water resources within the chapter. This phase, located on the east side of Highway 169, will be the second phase of a larger project which will include sanitary sewer improvements and expansion of lagoon storage sufficient to address current and future flow rates providing adequate and safe solid waste disposal for the residents.

More information on USDA Rural Development can be found here.