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Martin's Blog

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  • Dear Friend, Ensuring a free and open internet is essential for New Mexico businesses and internet users to access broadband on an even playing field. As a staunch supporter of net neutrality, I believe the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) must have strong, enforceable rules. The internet must remain open and conducive to free expression,...
  • Dear Friend, If we want to build a vibrant economic future in New Mexico, we need to get serious about laying the right foundation now. I hope you can take a moment to read and share an op-ed I wrote in today's Albuquerque Business First about bipartisan legislation I introduced with Senator Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) to help provide New Mexico workers...
  • Dear Friend, There have been recent alarming reports that President Trump may take steps to repeal the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) which allows undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States as children--also known as DREAMers--to apply for temporary protection from deportation. Repealing the DACA program would have a...
  • Dear Friend, I've been deeply moved by the thousands of New Mexicans who shared their health care stories and I am deeply grateful for their courage to raise their voices and make clear what's at stake when it comes to keeping access to health care. Last night, the Senate finally rejected a reckless effort by Republicans and President Trump to pass...
  • Dear Friend, For over seven years straight, Republicans in Washington have cheered shortcomings in our health care system and blamed the Affordable Care Act for every problem under the premise that they would do better if put in charge. It made for great bumper stickers and campaign promises to repeal the law, but the trouble is that their...
  • Dear Friend, Earlier this month, I was in Santa Fe helping install rooftop solar panels on a job site with workers from locally-owned business Positive Energy Solar. Jobs in New Mexico's solar industry increased by 54 percent last year. Almost 3,000 New Mexicans work in this rapidly growing field. It was great to talk with four of these New...
  • Dear Friend, Today, while Senate Republicans unveiled their latest disastrous health care proposal, I shared stories I have received from New Mexico families in a Medium post. I have heard from thousands of New Mexicans who have told me how important health care coverage is to them and their families. Their stories emphasize the real lives that are...
  • Dear Friend, It was a pleasure to spend two days this week in Grant County meeting with New Mexicans and learning more about important issues facing southwestern New Mexico. While I was in Silver City, I stopped by the studio at Gila/Mimbres Community Radio for an interview with Jamie Newton, the host of the station's public affairs program Civil...
  • PHOTO: U.S. Senators Martin Heinrich and Tom Udall hike in the Sierra de las Uvas in the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument, January 24, 2014. Dear Friend, An executive order signed by President Trump earlier this year threatens many of our most treasured national monuments and public lands across America. I hope you can take a moment...
  • PHOTO: U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich joins Alvin Whitehair, District Ranger from the Mt. Taylor Ranger District of Cibola National Forest and National Grasslands, and community leaders from Cibola and McKinley Counties to announce the completion of the planning process for the Zuni Mountain Trails Project, May 31, 2017. Dear Friend, Last month, I...
  • Dear Friend, Yesterday marked the anniversary of three important decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court to advance the rights and protections of the LGBTQ community. Fourteen years ago, in Lawrence v. Texas, the Court invalidated laws that criminalized the private intimate conduct of same-sex couples. Four years ago, in United States v. Windsor, the...
  • Dear Friend, Senate Republicans' secret TrumpCare bill is finally out, and it seems to be everything we feared it would be. I am stunned that President Trump and Senate Republicans seem determined to rush through such a massive piece of legislation that was negotiated in secret with zero bipartisan input. This bill looks an awful lot like the...
  • PHOTO: U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich joins local veterans and the USS Los Alamos Committee at American Legion Post 90, May 27, 2017. June 15, 2017 Dear Friend, I was proud to spend part of Memorial Day weekend in Los Alamos to meet with local veterans' organizations and recognize the significant historical contributions of the Los Alamos community...
  • Dear Friend, We should never forget our nation's fallen heroes, veterans, and military families, and the proud tradition of New Mexicans answering our nation's call of duty. Last week, I had the honor of visiting the Healing Field flag display and delivering remarks during a Memorial Day ceremony at Memory Gardens Cemetery in Farmington. If you...
  • Dear Friend, I hope you can take a moment to read an op-ed I wrote in the New Mexico Political Report on why we must support higher education. I'm doing everything I can at the federal level to make sure all New Mexicans who strive for a college degree have a fair shot at affording it without being crushed by debt.  We must make forward-thinking...
  • Dear Friend, I recently sent "An Open Letter to Everyone Who Uses the Internet," published by TechCrunch, to make it clear how the internet could change for the worse without strong net neutrality protections. I hope you will take a moment to read it. Last week, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to initiate a process to repeal...
  • PHOTO: Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument, Photo Credit: Mike Groves. Dear Friend, Last month, President Trump signed an executive order aimed at weakening national monument designations made by his predecessors, including Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks and Rio Grande del Norte in New Mexico. This week is the time to submit your comments...
  • Dear Friend, I hope you can take a moment to read the following article in the Daily Lobo: Heinrich plans to brighten young people's futures with clean energy legislation about a bill I introduced to better prepare New Mexico students and workers for the energy jobs of the future and increase the participation of women and minorities throughout the...
  • Dear Friend, Today we were able to defeat an effort by President Trump and Republicans in Congress to roll back common-sense protections to reduce methane pollution. Today's vote in the Senate was a major victory for our nation's decades-long commitment to protect the air we breathe. I hope you can take a moment to watch my speech on the Senate...
  • Dear Friend, President Trump and Republicans in Congress are once again rushing to pass a disastrous plan that would strip health insurance from thousands of New Mexicans and decimate health care in rural communities. I continue to hear from New Mexicans about how access to health coverage has helped their families and even saved their lives. I...