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We need to act on climate NOW

VIDEO: U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich joins conservation leaders at a rally in front of the U.S. Capitol to call for the passage of the climate investments in the Build Back Better Act, September 13, 2021.

Dear Friend,

We don’t have any more time. Congress needs to treat the President’s Build Back Better Plan like it’s our greatest and maybe even our last real chance to make a difference on climate — because it very well might be. Yesterday, I stood with other conservation leaders rallying in front of the U.S. Capitol to demand that we take the opportunity before us seriously.

>>I hope you can take a moment to watch and share the video of my remarks.

I’m doing everything in my power to secure the passage of critical climate priorities like a clean electricity standard, investments in electrification and clean energy projects, and the Civilian Climate Corps. The extreme weather events, destructive floods, heat waves, water shortages, and wildfires will only continue to worsen unless we take these types of significant climate action right now.

We urgently need to do right by our children and bring all our tools to bear in building a thriving, carbon-free economy. If I want to leave my two boys with the New Mexico lands and waters that I’ve grown to love so much, I know that we need to get our climate priorities to President Biden’s desk right away.

This is our moment to act. We can’t afford to waste it.


United States Senator