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We can get it done

Dear Friend,
The Senate voted to ratify the historic Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, an international agreement to phase down the use of climate-warming hydroflourocarbons—or HFCs—chemicals primarily used in coolants and refrigerants. This vote will help create new American jobs, spur investments in U.S. businesses, and fight against climate change.
HFCs have a harmful global warming effect that is many times more powerful than carbon dioxide. Thankfully, the next generation of climate-friendly HFC replacements are already being made in America and sold throughout the global market. It’s estimated that shifting away from HFCs will stave off roughly 1 degree Fahrenheit of global warming.
Combined with the huge investments in clean energy and electrification that we just passed in the Inflation Reduction Act, we are showing that climate action is not only possible. We are also demonstrating that we can get it done.

United States Senator