Dear Friend,
After two incredibly challenging years, the American economy is roaring back. It is growing faster than it has grown since 1984. We just added nearly half a million jobs in January—and more than 7 million jobs over the course of the last year. The last year has also seen the largest drop in the unemployment rate and the largest reduction in childhood poverty on record.
Despite all of this progress in our overall economy, however, there are still far too many families who struggle to keep a roof over their heads and put food on the table. Many of the factors that have trapped families in a multigenerational cycle of poverty predate the pandemic. But I see this moment as an inflection point—a chance to turn the page on a status quo of disjointed anti-poverty programs.
VIDEO: U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich addresses intergenerational poverty and the two-generation approach at the National Association of Counties Legislative Conference, February 15, 2022.
Last week, I delivered a speech to the National Association of Counties where I announced that I am reintroducing my bipartisan Two-Generation Economic Empowerment Act. For years, I have been calling on policymakers to alter the way that we think about service delivery to families who want to achieve economic security, educational success, and healthy outcomes It starts with taking a two-generation approach that meets the needs of children and parents together.
The two-generation approach places families at the center of program design and purposefully connects services so they can work seamlessly to help parents and children achieve success together as a family. There many great examples in New Mexico and across the country of schools, colleges, nonprofit organizations, and local government agencies that are leading in delivering two-generation solutions to families. I want us to learn from and scale up these innovative ideas that can dramatically improve service delivery and outcomes for children and their families.
We should never underestimate the resilience of American families who want to achieve success together. We should do all we can to empower them to succeed and fuel our nation’s comeback story.
United States Senator