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Thank you for attending

Dear Friend,
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for attending my office’s Federal Grant Writing Workshop held last week at Northern New Mexico College in Española in partnership with the North Central New Mexico Economic Development District and the Regional Development Corporation. I hope you were able to learn helpful information about how to write a successful federal grant application. In the coming days, my staff will follow up with additional resources from our team.
Navigating grant opportunities is often a complex process, and I am committed to providing guidance to eligible grant seekers in New Mexico. If you need help identifying or applying for a federal grant, or if you would like to request a letter of support for a grant application, please fill out this form, and my staff will reach out to you. You can also find more resources on federal grants, loans, and nonfinancial assistance for your projects in the Helping You Section of my website.
If you have any specific follow-up questions on last week’s workshop, I encourage you to contact my office via email at or by calling at (202) 224-5521.
Thank you again for attending. I look forward to working alongside you to secure resources and investments to build a stronger future for all New Mexicans.

United States Senator