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Please provide a comment for our public lands

Dear Friend,

Our public lands are an incredible part of what makes our state so special. As New Mexicans, we value these lands for their beauty, history, cultural meaning, and the many ways we enjoy them – whether that’s hiking, camping, fishing, or hunting. That’s what we value these lands for, but the federal government hasn’t historically seen it that way.

That is about to change.

You have a chance to make sure the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) prioritizes what we value on our public values. I hope you will take this opportunity to submit a public comment today on the Biden administration’s proposed Conservation and Landscape Health Rule for BLM public lands.

>>Submit a public comment on the BLM’s Conservation and Landscape Health Rule before the June 20 deadline.

This newly proposed rule would reorient the way the BLM manages our public lands. It will give more weight to improving landscape resilience in the face of a changing climate, protecting the watersheds that provide clean drinking water, and conserving important wildlife habitat–rather than just focusing on extractive values.

The BLM manages iconic landscapes like the Rio Grande del Norte and Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monuments. But it also manages large swaths of our public lands that are less well-known. The proposed Conservation and Landscape Health Rule will bring much-needed balance into the way the BLM does this.

I am calling on Interior Secretary Deb Haaland to finalize and even strengthen this new rule. And I hope you’ll join me. I encourage all New Mexicans to provide feedback on the new rule by submitting a public comment to the BLM before the June 20 deadline.

Please make your voice heard on why conserving and restoring the health of our public lands is so important.


United States Senator