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WASHINGTON — U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) cosponsored the Combat Veterans Pre-Enrollment Act, legislation to give combat veterans the option to enroll in their health care benefits program before officially transitioning out of active duty.  The bill would create an opt-in program to allow transitioning servicemembers to access Veterans...
WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee and former Chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee on  Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies, announced he has secured $42,210,000 in investments for New Mexico’s service members, veterans, and military installations with...
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies, welcomed the Senate’s overwhelming bipartisan passage, 82 to 15, of the first package of the Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) Appropriations bills. The package included...


Two of my paramount guiding principles as your senator are respect for science and respect for those who have served our nation. We owe all of our veterans who put their lives on the line to defend us the best possible medical care, based on the best available science. That’s why I was so appalled to learn that tens of thousands of Vietnam...
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.- Decades after fighting for their country, local veterans are fighting for their lives. Retired Army 1st Sgt. Jim Rogers told KOB 4, "I was originally drafted in 1969 and declined an opportunity to go to helicopter flight school so the Army put me in the infantry. That's what I did there." Rogers served 27 years in the military...
VILLAGE OF MILAN, N.M. — A New Mexico state lawmaker has finally received his medals for his service during the Vietnam War. The Gallup Independent reports Democratic Rep. Eliseo “Lee” Alcon was presented last week with a Bronze Star for his service as a combat medic and other honors. The medals came almost 50 years after Alcon...


Dear Friend, Last month, I joined the Honey Badger Conservation Crew from the Albuquerque Sign Language Academy (ASLA) to harvest honey at the Los Ranchos Agri-Nature Center.  You can read all about my visit with ASLA students in the Albuquerque Journal story below. PHOTO: U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich harvests honey with Albuquerque Sign Language...
Dear Friend, I grew up in a proud union home. My father was a lineman and a member of the IBEW. His union wages allowed me to attend college, provided my family with a ticket to the middle class, and gave my parents stability and peace of mind in their retirement. These are opportunities that every American deserves.     VIDEO: U.S. Senator Martin...
Dear Friend, Our Bipartisan Safer Communities Act was full of commonsense solutions. On gun violence, I helped negotiate a provision that made it a crime to traffic firearms out of the country – something most thought was already illegal but was fueling violence in Central America.  On health care, our bill included a provision that allowed mental...
